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5 food safety myths

There are many common myths and old wives tales around food safety. We’ve gathered five such myths today, ready to debunk them with cold hard facts. Just call us (Food Safety) Mythbusters!

Myth 1: You don’t need to wash fruits or vegetables if you’re going to peel them


Because it is easy to transfer bacteria from the rind or peel of the fruit or vegetable you’re cutting from outside to inside, it’s essential to wash all of them – even if you’re planning on peeling them.

Myth 2: If food looks okay and smells fine, it’s okay to eat


In fact, the bacteria that cause food poisoning do not affect the look, smell, or taste of food. Play it safe, read use by dates and don’t store fruit and vegetables too long.

Myth 3: Fridges will always maintain the same temperature


Although refrigerators are good at their jobs, they do fluctuate in temperature. The things that can cause these variations include the weather, how much is stored in the fridge and how often the door is being opened. While you can’t control the weather, you can control the other two factors!

Don’t overpack your fridge and avoid opening and closing it a lot. If you’re having a BBQ or gathering, store drinks in a chiller to avoid opening and closing the fridge door too much. 

Myth 4: You should rinse chicken to remove bacteria


In fact, rinsing chicken (or meat or seafood) with water can increase your chances of food poisoning! This is because you are splashing juices and perhaps bacteria onto your kitchen surfaces where they can contaminate food. Any bacteria on your chicken will be killed by cooking it correctly to the right temperature, so there is no need to rinse.

Myth 5: Pork must be cooked all the way through


Just like beef and lamb, whole pieces of pork can be eaten slightly rare. This is because the parasites associated with pork aren’t present in Australian commercial pork. However, like other meat, minced, rolled or stuffed pork needs to be cooked all the way through.