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L’Artisan Organic Marcel

Date of recall announcement: 14th February 2022

Mortlake Organic Dairy is conducting a recall of L’Artisan Organic Marcel 180g.

Distribution: The product has been available for sale at independent food retailers including IGA in VIC & QLD, independent food retailers in SA, and select Coles Local stores in VIC.

Date markings: Best Before 08MAR2022

Problem: The recall is due to microbial (E.coli) contamination.

Food safety hazard: Food products contaminated with E.coli may cause illness if consumed.

Country of origin: Australia

What to do​: Any consumers concerned about their health should seek medical advice and should return the product to the place of purchase for a full refund.

For further information please contact:
Mortlake Organic Dairy
0432 607 010